Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Birthday Baby for Mom

These pictures are from previous mentioned babies. The one with the midwife and dad is Jonah Willow. This was the one that was named after the midwife, Willow.

This is the mother of Jash Dianne, who is pictured below.

I only saw one baby born on Mom's birthday! They named her Jecel ANN! I'm pretty sure it was after you Mom! This was an exciting birth because Kendra and I went in to check on the mom who was making a little bit of noise...meaning she is in a lot of pain! This mom was only 20 years old and her husband looked no older than Joel. It was kind of an eye opener. He was kind of immature and embarrassed by everything. Anyway, Kendra and I went in to check fetal heart tones. Kendra looked and the baby was coming out. She yelled for someone to come chart. In my head I was thinking...what about an assistant? I am technically quite a few babies away from being able to assist. I should have been the one charting. Instead, the supervisor came in to chart, leaving me to assist. I must have had a lot of adrenaline going because we got the baby out but I don't really remember it. I do remember the baby was face down so we had to straighten and flex her legs to get it out. She kept wanting to kick Kendra in the face so I was trying to control the legs while the baby was coming. Ali finally came to help me out. We all made a good team and got that baby out!

Jecel Ann

  1. Today when I was working I saw no births. Sad day. But I did get in on some interesting things... We had two transports to the hospital. The girl that I wasn't really with came in and had a really high blood pressure. Things got interesting with the other girl. Chantel said she had one similar come in the other day... Anyway, this girl was a Badjao. I may not get all of my information right, but from what I gathered, they are like a gypsy people. They are from the southern Philippines and choose to be very poor. There are a lot of myths or something about them being gypsy sea faring people. Kinda crazy. This girl came in with her mother. They do not know their age, how many kids they have, (although this one thought maybe seven...), how far along she was, and sometimes even their name. The girl could have been 20 or 52, she definitely looked aged but at the same time young. They also speak a different language, so everyone was kind of lost when communicating with them. Our supervisor knew a little bit of whatever language they spoke. One girl told me they have poor hygiene. That is very different from the Filipinos (they take a lot of pride in being clean and not stinky people!) This girl didn't smell that bad though. She came in wanting to deliver. We took her through the normal routine of going to the bathroom and then checking vitals. While checking fetal heart tones, she started to push. The midwife decided she better do an IE since nothing was visible. Turns out, she was only 1 cm dilated. Her contractions were about 6 min apart however. We started an IV to help her cope. While listening to the heart tones, they sounded really funny. We kept feeling fetal position because her stomach was so big and whatever was inside of it was moving around like crazy. There was a palpable head engaged, however it was pretty small. The rest of the body was felt, however there was definitely something else inside her stomach. We got another doppler to see if we could distinguish two separate heart tones. They sounded so funny though that we were not sure if there were two. Because of all of the above factors, the supervisor made the call to transport her to the hospital where a doctor could share his ideas. Both girls were transported at the same time in a tiny little clown looking car. There were five women, two of them pregnant in the back seat alone!! For that reason, I stayed back. The car looked so funny driving away and I wish I would have gotten a picture. Out the two windows in the back seat, two midwives were holding dextrose IV bottles out the window. It was a sight to see...definitely would not be something seen in the US!!! Below is a picture of what the grandmother sort of looked like...she didn't have as many wrinkles though..


  1. that is crazy. how do they not know their name or how many kids they have? i can't believe that! and now i am really curious as to what else was inside there!??!

  2. Little Jecel Ann sure picked a good day to be born! That's pretty neat you got to deliver a baby on my birthday and her middle name is Ann. The parents obviously have good taste!

  3. Tatum just showed me this blog. This is amazing! Chantel you are a rockstar!!!!!! Hope you are doing well! :) Tisha

  4. Happy "late" Birthday Michelle ANN! How special :)
    Megan ANN, I am proud of you for taking pics, but I would have LOVED the pic of the taxi as well hahahaha I can just picture that....oh boy!
    Love, Emily ANN

  5. Did you ever find out what else was in "there" with that small baby head? Just saying, it's a strange story! hahaha I was expecting like an alien to pop out! ;-)

  6. oh and P.S. looking at the wrinkled grandma lady now you know why they don't want to lay out on the beach!

  7. P.S.S. cow=Dawn...just so you know :oP
